We have the capacity to heal through love the apparent separations in our lives that we call “ends” and “beginnings.” And then we know it as all. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

“I can no longer go out and come in,” says Moses, “for God has said to me, ‘You shall not cross this Jordan.” Is this then the end of Moses’ story? Or is it the beginning of it?
The same Voice that proclaims the limits of Moses’ physical journey is the same that inspires him to write a song that begins the journey again. Death does not triumph. Revival is the only conclusion here.
This week we heard the shofar. It signaled an end and a beginning. The notes remind us of our capacity to rise up to life renewed, to unload whatever weighs as a drag upon us and rebirth ourselves in glory and righteousness.
We have the capacity to heal the apparent separations in our lives that we call “ends” and “beginnings” through love. And then we know it as all.
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from” (T. S. Eliot).
The song written thousands of years ago is gift to us. Let us sing it together.
Join us as we explore bulls and bears, ends and beginnings.
This week’s Torah study session will be led by Cantor Mark Thompson.