We are called upon to fulfill the book, to sing its song of freedom. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

As we step ever closer to the end of the year and to the conclusion of reading the Torah, we encounter in this week’s portion a surprising answer about what will enable us to endure even the most challenging times. It is song that will see us through. And the 613th and final commandment is that each of us is to carry forward the tune of freedom and responsibility.
The song is meant to make us tremble with the power of it All, a power that resides in each one of us. Let’s sing! “We’ve got to fulfill the book/Won’t you help to sing these songs of freedom?/’Cause all I ever had: Redemption songs/These songs of freedom.” (Bob Marley, Redemption Song). Join us here at 7:00 p.m. (PDT) Thursday September 9 as we explore these songs of freedom.