To build a Mishkan is to construct a framework out of our lives that will allow compassion, justice and love to spill forth from us and across our world. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

Why do I exist? To ask this question is human. Throughout too much history, across too many civilizations, too much of humanity has been told: You are insignificant. Royalty matters, the elite are worthy, the powerful shape history. Torah arises to subvert that message with the call: Each of us matters. Each one of us is imbued with nobility.
Torah’s narrative is designed for the purpose of helping us to elicit that nobility from ourselves. That shaping of human character in covenant with others is the most important construction project we could possibly be engaged in.
This week’s Torah portion launches a thirteen-chapter instruction on that construction project. The narrative calls it the building of a Mishkan. Spiritually, it is describing how to build a framework out of our lives that will allow the Divine to spill forth from us and across our world. We are called upon to be builders of compassion, justice, and love…of nobility. Join us here at 7:00 p.m. (PST) on Thursday, February 18 as we explore what it means to build a home.