The journey begins in mystery and takes us to fulfillment. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the journey is that the wisdom we seek has always been with us, deep within ourselves. The way forward takes us home. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

(ACTS = Absolute Contempt for Total Serenity)
The United States was founded on a confidence in the capacity of human beings to improve their world. The preamble to the United States Constitution states as its purpose: βto form a more perfect Union.β The orientation of our founders was not retrospective towards a mythic glorious past. It was future-oriented, towards an ever-improving experiment in social and civic living.
The founder of the Jewish people was not royalty or a warrior or one possessed of magical powers. Abraham was just a shepherd who wondered whether a better way was not possible. His readiness to question the way the world worked brought the voice of creation into his life. That voice spoke to him with the message: Believe in what you can become.
Thus began a journey marked by moments of mystery and doubt and by those of clarity and empowerment. Its enduring quality has been its ceaseless explorations of new social horizons and personal self-improvement. And perhaps its most intriguing message is that the wisdom we seek has always been with us, deep within ourselves. The way forward takes us home.
Join us here at 7:00 p.m. (PDT) Thursday October 14 as we explore ceaseless exploration: the journey back home.