Doubt is a natural part of embarking on a new stage in one’s life. To overcome doubt we remember that we are part of an ongoing story of leaving behind narrowness for expanse. We recall the awe of it all. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

Doubt and skepticism are important parts of a healthy outlook on life. However, skepticism turned into denialism and doubt devolved into crushing self-doubt become toxic traits both for our relationships with others and for our own self-development.
At the border to the promised land, Moses reminds the Israelites of an incident that happened forty years before: what Amalek did to them just two months into their journey to freedom. Why is that 40-year-old event so important for the Israelites to remember? What does it have to do with successfully settling in the land of promise? And what exactly does it mean to remember?
Join us here at 7:00 p.m. (PDT) Thursday, August 19 as we explore doubt and its antidote, memory.