This beginning is a message about the world as fracture and our responsibility to repair and care for it. To read it is a call for us to begin again. View the study sheet here. Watch the recording here.

The poet John Milton read the Garden of Eden story as one of Paradise Lost. It was not paradise that was lost. It was a life lived in passive acceptance of creation. The departure from Eden launched humanity on its long trek to realize the promise the Source of all life offered: to exercise responsibility for it all.
The great American writer James Baldwin, who went in and out of his own personal exiles in his attempt to redeem the nation of his birth so that it might fulfill its highest values, wrote in his final novel Just Above My Head: “Not everything is lost. Responsibility cannot be lost, it can only be abdicated. If one refuses abdication, one begins again.”
Join us here at 7:00 p.m. (PDT) Thursday September 30 as we explore that we can begin again.