Bracha Lavee is an Israeli artist. She was born in Poland in 1948 and moved to Israel with her parents in 1957. The family settled in Tiberias, where Bracha’s talent as an artist became apparent at an early age. Bracha attended the Bezalel Art Academy and eventually discovered the special wisdom of felt tapestry as an art form. She found it to convey both warmth and flexibility, a medium that evokes an ancient craft and allows for the exploration of modern themes.
Much of Lavee’s work is inspired by the Bible, which for her is not just an historical curiosity but also “a vigorous and meaningful part of contemporary life.” Presented here is her tapestry Passover in Jerusalem. Its focal point is two windows. One looks out on contemporary Jerusalem. The other looks out onto the past, a scene of the ancient Israelites on their journey of freedom.
Passover in Jerusalem evokes the instruction from the Mishnah: “In every generation, you must see yourself as if you yourself came out of Egypt.” The Passover seder is designed not only to recall an event that happened thousands of years ago but also to stimulate awareness of our current participation in that ongoing journey of freedom.
Journey well.
Tapestry Passover in Jerusalem by Bracha Lavee